Anchor Commercial | CORFAC International Facilitates $1.46 Million Sale of
92 Residential Lots in Charleston, SC
CHARLESTON, SC (August 9, 2011) – Anchor Commercial | CORFAC International, a leading full-service commercial real estate provider serving the Charleston market, today announced the completion of the sale of 92 residential lots in the Commons at Grand Oaks Subdivision.
The property was sold by MB803, LLC, (MB Financial Bank) an Illinois limited liability company, to Taylor/Theus Holdings, Inc., a South Carolina corporation, for $1.46 million.
Gordon Geer, Director of Special Asset/REO Management, Anchor Commercial|CORFAC International, represented the seller and procured the purchaser.
The Commons at Grand Oaks is a former 245 lot Portrait Homes neighborhood consisting of a mix of townhome and duplex units. The 92 lot sale is for the balance of the unimproved lot inventory within the subdivision. A regional homebuilder will be moving forward with new vertical construction in the late fall or early spring timeframe.