100% Leased With Lee & Associates Charleston

Port Royal Plaza is a well-established shopping center located in Hilton Head, South Carolina. Lee & Associates Charleston took over leasing and management of the center in August, 2022, and have since brought immense value to the ownership. Here's how.

Lee and Associates - Charleston, SC | 100% Leased with Lee & Associates Charleston

From The Beginning

Prior to us taking over, the property was leased and managed by a local Hilton Head-area firm. Since they had been overseeing the asset for several years with no real issue, we faced an uphill battle in winning the assignment and taking over. However, we presented a holistic vision for the property’s present and future, and eventually instilled enough confidence in ownership to win the business. And then we executed. 

Immense Value

To demonstrate our commitment and competence, we implemented several processes to optimize the center’s operations from a leasing and management perspective. We focused on marketing the plaza directly to potential tenants and developed targeted campaigns to attract new businesses. Additionally, we analyzed the existing tenant mix and provided recommendations for aesthetic improvements that ultimately enhanced the overall shopping experience. Our attention to detail, proactive approach, and regional connectivity were on full display.

Ownership immediately recognized the value we were bringing. Here are a few of the successes we accomplished in the 8 months we’ve been at the helm:


  • Achieved a 100% occupancy at the center, ensuring that every retail space was occupied by optimal tenants.

  • Skillfully handled two evictions and backfilled both spaces before the eviction dates, minimizing negative impact on the center’s image.

  • Successfully added four new tenants to the center.

  • Executed five lease renewals, solidifying relationships with existing tenants and fostering long-term stability.

  • Recognizing the need for an enhanced maintenance approach, we introduced a new maintenance company to the shopping center. This significantly improved the center’s appearance, making it cleaner and more inviting for shoppers.

  • Showcased our budgeting capabilities, effectively managing repair and maintenance expenses while ensuring that necessary repairs were conducted at appropriate times to minimize disruption for tenants and visitors alike.

"In just 8 months...

...Lee & Associates Charleston has brought Port Royal Plaza back to life. They swiftly achieved 100% occupancy, skillfully managed evictions, welcomed new tenants, executed crucial lease renewals, and attended to much needed maintenance. This team's exceptional service and commitment to delivering tangible results transformed my retail center into a bustling, attractive, and profitable asset. I couldn't be more pleased by their performance." - Ownership, Port Royal Plaza

This flurry of activity and success infused a new energy into the plaza and brought more foot traffic than ever before. Ultimately, our comprehensive approach revitalized a plateauing Port Royal Plaza. Ownership now has a fully-leased retail center, tenants that are happy and thriving, and a more attractive and well-maintained asset. Our commitment to providing exceptional service and delivering tangible results truly made a difference in transforming Port Royal Plaza into a once-again thriving retail destination.