Providing free, HIGH-quality, consistent content is probably the best marketing tool any company can utilize. That’s why we are unveiling the KNOWLEDGE HUB section of our new website.
We want people to bookmark this page and eagerly anticipate the pieces we create. Articles, videos, infographics, reports, and interactive maps are all possibilities. Our goal is to turn complex material into easily digestible material, while uncovering trends and creating things that you want to consume.
As part of our MARKET INTELLIGENCE section, we’ve introduced a handful of new ways to get the latest data on our Office, Industrial, and Retail markets. We’ve created statistical infographics for each product type covering Total Inventory, Vacancy, Asking Rent, Sale Price Average, Net Absorption, and Under Construction. We’ll update those once per month. We are also keeping our popular Bi-Annual office and industrial deep dive reports (The Corner Office and Industrial In-Motion), along with our more refined quarterly market updates.
Interested in our latest property listings, unique market intel, and a variety of commercial real estate resources? Get a consistent dose delivered to the top of your inbox!
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